Astral Travelling


Astral travelling is the ability to project your consciousness out of your physical body and travel to other realms or dimensions. It is a powerful experience that can be used for spiritual growth, healing, and personal development.

At Urja Shakti, we offer astral travelling sessions to help you explore your consciousness and expand your awareness. Our sessions are led by experienced practitioners who will guide you through the process of astral projection.

Astral Travelling across universe

What is Astral Travelling?

Astral travelling is a phenomenon in which a person’s consciousness leaves their physical body and travels to another realm or dimension. This can happen during sleep, meditation, or other altered states of consciousness.

There are many different theories about what happens during astral travel. Some believe that the astral body is a separate entity from the physical body, while others believe that it is simply a projection of the mind.

Benefits of Astral Travelling

There are many potential benefits to Astral Travelling. Some of these benefits include:

How to Get Started with Astral Travelling

Astral travel is a skill that can be learned with practice. There are many different techniques that can be used to induce astral travel. Some of these techniques include:

  • Meditation: Meditation is a great way to relax your mind and body and prepare for astral travel.
  • Visualization: Visualization is a powerful tool that can be used to create a mental image of the astral realm.
  • Dreamwork: Dreamwork can be used to explore your dreams and learn more about your subconscious mind.
  • Binaural beats: Binaural beats are sound waves that can be used to induce altered states of consciousness.
Astral Travel Urja Shakti

Astral Travelling With Urja Shakti

At Urja Shakti, we offer astral travelling sessions to help you explore your consciousness and expand your awareness. Our sessions are led by experienced practitioners who will guide you through the process of astral projection. Our sessions are designed to be safe and supportive. 

If you are interested in learning more about astral travelling or booking a session, please contact us. We would be happy to help you on your journey to explore the realm of consciousness.