5 Ancient Sound Healing Practices and Their Modern Uses

Astral Travelling Exploration

5 Ancient Sound Healing Practices and Their Modern Uses

Sound healing practices have been used for centuries by various cultures around the world. From the shamanic drumming of the Indigenous people of North America to the chanting of Tibetan monks, these practices have been used to heal the body, mind, and spirit. In recent years, the use of sound healing has gained popularity in the Western world and has even been used in conjunction with modern medicine. In this blog post, we will explore 5 ancient sound healing practices and their modern uses.

1. Nada Yoga

Nada Yoga is a practice that uses sound to achieve a meditative state. The practice involves listening to internal and external sounds, such as the sound of your breath or the sound of a bird singing. The goal is to focus on the sound, which helps to quiet the mind and achieve a state of deep relaxation.

In modern times, Nada Yoga is often used in conjunction with other forms of meditation and mindfulness practices. It is also used in sound therapy sessions to help clients achieve a state of relaxation.

2. Shamanic Drumming

Shamanic drumming is a practice that involves using a drum to create a rhythmic beat. The drumming is used to induce a trance-like state, which is believed to allow the shaman to communicate with the spirit world.

In modern times, shamanic drumming is often used in sound healing sessions to help clients achieve a state of deep relaxation. It is also used in group drumming circles as a form of meditation and community building.

3. Chanting

Chanting is a practice that involves repeating a sound or phrase over and over again. The sound or phrase is believed to have a healing effect on the body, mind, and spirit.

In modern times, chanting is often used in yoga and meditation classes to help students achieve a state of relaxation. It is also used in sound healing sessions to help clients release emotional blockages.

4. Singing Bowls

Singing bowls are a type of musical instrument that produce a ringing sound when struck or played with a mallet. The sound is believed to have a healing effect on the body, mind, and spirit.

In modern times, singing bowls are often used in sound healing sessions to help clients achieve a state of deep relaxation. They are also used in yoga and meditation classes to help students achieve a state of mindfulness.

5. Qigong

Qigong is a practice that involves using movement and breath to cultivate and balance energy in the body. The practice often includes the use of sound, such as chanting or humming, to help move energy through the body.

In modern times, qigong is often used in conjunction with other forms of movement and mindfulness practices. It is also used in sound healing sessions to help clients release emotional and physical tension.


Sound healing practices have been used for centuries to heal the body, mind, and spirit. While some of these practices may seem unfamiliar to those in the Western world, they have gained popularity in recent years due to their effectiveness. Whether you are looking to achieve a state of relaxation or release emotional blockages, sound healing practices offer a unique and effective way to promote healing and well-being.


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